
Showing posts from November, 2017

Cooking tips that will make your cooking life so much easier!

🍝πŸ₯žCooking tips will make cooking easier!πŸ₯žπŸ We all want ways to make cooking easier for ourselves so this post is going to be about a bunch of  cooking tips that will make cooking easier. I found some tips about cooking that i think help a lot with everyday cooking. Here they are.... If you pre-soak pasta in water in a sealed bag for a couple hours ( overnight or a couple hours before you have to cook it ) and it will cook in 60 seconds! Crazy huh? To evenly distribute butter for a pastry you could freeze the butter then grate it. Then it will make your biscuits/pie crust/or anything else nice and buttery! If you want easy grating with cheese just spray your cheese grater with cooking spray. If you want more juice to fall out of lemons/limes microwave them for 15 to 20 seconds. If you are trying to make homemade french fries you could you an apple slicer for the perfect wedges. That's all the cooking tips for today ill give more next week! Fun fact: Almonds are ...

The best accidental foods!

            πŸͺ The best accidental foods!πŸͺ                                                                                                                                                                      Thankfully, these people did have one of those days.             "Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days..." Mistakes have a pretty important effect on the world. Especially with food. Lets look at my list of the top 5 accidental foods created. Here we go!  #1 Chocolate ch...

People who influenced the way we eat today!!

 πŸ‘πŸŒPeople who changed the world of food for the better!!!πŸŒŽπŸ‘           From eating raw meat to gourmet "Douche Burgers" wrapped in gold leafs, the world of food has certainly advanced since the beginning of time. Well, first lets talk about the guy who decided to put meat in a fire or the guy who found it cooked already ( he could have found an animal after a wildfire cooked on the ground ). Let's just be glad they decided to take it back to their "tribe" so they could try it and find a new way of  eating meat, which led to hundreds of different recipes. Next, lets thank the creator of forks or spoons, whichever you think is more important. The inventor of the fork was Ancient Greece ( during the time of the Eastern Roman Empire ). The creator of the spoon was Ancient Egypt. They used it for religious purposes, but thankfully we found that it was also useful for eating and it has advanced greatly throughout the years. From being made from anima...